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Prerequisites: Hollywood Dog™ 101


Hollywood Animal 101


Hollywood Dog™ 201

This is the class for those who want to refine and teach your dogs a whole new set of skills to increase their marketability. In Hollywood Dog™ 101, you learned what YOU need to know to succeed on set and what you need to teach your dog to maximize their opportunity to get jobs. Hollywood Dog™ 201 will give you the opportunity to master the specific skills and tricks that directors ask for and help you refine your shaping skills so that you can pull together magic out of thin air when required on set. In HD 201, we will work in the class environment, but we will also take it on the road and work on location so that you can practice in an "on-set" environment. **New perk! If you have graduated from HD 201, you may drop in to any ongoing HD class for continuing ed for free (as long as there are spots open) and if you want to repeat an entire 6 week session with your current dog or with a new dog, you get 1/2 off the price of the class!

Hollywood Dog™ 201

Course Registration

After filling out the form you will be taken to a page to download form as well as submit payment.

Registration Form

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